Meditation East Lothian are back with 'Summer of Love' Meditations
One month of free meditation classes with a focus on practices of the heart. Uncover and cultivate the highest parts of your nature and discover the wisdom, strength and courage within your loving, kind, generous and compassionate side.
A Challenge of Discovery
For thousands of years philosophers, religious teachers, psychologists and pop songs have told us that love is the most important thing. This is sometimes trivialised by rituals such as Valentine’s Day, or sappy sentiment. However within the meditation tradition there are a set of exercises to explore how profound and powerful this attribute of humanity can be. In the month of June we invite you to join us in a one month challenge of discovery within ourselves to uncover the most important of our innate capacities.
Tuesday nights. 6:45pm to 8:30pm on the second floor of the Granary Building in the Lamp of Lothian Trust buildings on Poldrate in Haddington.
Please be on time since no one will be able to be admitted after 7pm. First class will be May 30th and then every Tuesday in June through to the 27th.
No previous meditation experience required. Admission FREE!
More information: https://meditation-eastlothian.com/classes/