Community Spaces

A wide variety of workshop, gallery, hall, office and indoor gym accommodation subject to availability.

Our buildings benefit around 1,000 people every week

The Bridge Centre

The Bridge Centre encompasses both the Granary & Mault House, and the Alistair Grant Hall. It is the main community centre for Haddington, and caters for all ages from mother and toddler, to University of The Third Age. It currently hosts around 50 groups including keep-fit, ballet, yoga, Warhammer games, youth café & Film Friday, after-school club, playgroup, kickboxing and Kung Fu. It also runs Motorcycle and Music Projects doing very valuable work engaging young people who might otherwise be difficult to reach.

Poldrate Arts & Crafts Centre

Poldrate Arts & Crafts Centre hosts classes in 18 disciplines including painting, sculpture, pottery, basket-weaving and embroidery. The Lamp buildings also house the Poldrate Quilters and Haddington Camera Club.

Granary & Mault House Bridge Centre

Many groups make use of this building, from Haddington Camera Club and the Bridge Centre Music Project and Motorcycle Projects, to youth work, music, dance and yoga.

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Poldrate Mill Arts & Crafts Centre

Located in Haddington in the wonderful Elizabeth Hamilton Buildings, the Poldrate Arts & Crafts Centre offers a wide variety of arts and crafts classes and self-help groups for adults.

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Alistair Grant Hall Bridge Centre

This modern building was created using the original garden wall, and now houses a large soundproofed multipurpose hall, with recording facilities and performance space.

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What You're Saying

Lamp of Lothian has hosted The Haddington Bridge Centre for over six decades, providing a much needed educational facility for all to use. This allows us to offer a wide range of activities including the Motorcycle Project, music, exercise, dance, adult learning, children's' activities, youth clubs and U3A to name a few. We look forward to continuing this great relationship long into the future.
Associate : Haddington Bridge Centre